C.O.ME Collaboration Onlus

About C.O.ME. www.comecollaboration.org

C.O.ME. Collaboration Onlus Foundation was established in mid-2014 with assets entirely devoted to scientific research and was given legal status by Pescara Prefecture.

The Foundation is registered with the lists provided by DPCM on October 12, 2016 as specified by the annual review of DPCM of May 8, 2007 (Italian OJ 16/11/16, 268 and 13/12/16, 290) C.O.ME. is an over-institutional, independent institution that cooperates with institutions, companies, public and private agencies, respecting the high quality of projects.

Its mission is to promote the integration of osteopathic practice in conventional medicine through scientific research.

The Foundation features an interdisciplinary team aiming to produce scientific evidence useful for optimizing health services and clinical practice, improving training, developing new technologies and promoting projects having a massive impact in the social sphere.

C.O.ME. strives to ensure multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teamwork, involving an international community eager to share, cooperate, support, compare, participate and develop research activities.

C.O.ME. projects are unique because of the teams’ dynamism and flexibility, aspiring to reach a common purpose: the achievement of the wellbeing of persons in their bio-psycho-social complexity, thus overcoming the paradigm only based on the assessment of clinical aspects.

TAX RELIEFS – for donations to scientific research

Any contribution made to C.O.ME. COLLABORATION ONLUS by a legal entity it is fully deductible from the income tax (deducted from the amount of taxable income).

As concerns tax benefits for contributors to scientific research, there is an “ad hoc” regulation for the Foundations such as C.O.ME. COLLABORATION ONLUS with legal personality acquired through the recognition obtained by registration in the list of legal entities established at the Prefectures (Italian Presidential Decree No. 361/2000) and conducting or promoting scientific research activities as a statutory purpose.
If the Foundation receives donations from a company or other legal entities to fund scientific research, the following law article applies.
Article 1, paragraph 353, of the 2006 Italian Financial Law, provides that the companies and other IRES (corporate income tax) taxpayers may wholly deduct from their income any funds transferred for research funding, as a contribution or donation, in favor, inter alia, of foundations and associations regularly recognized, having the development or the promotion of scientific research activities in their statutory purpose, as specified by the DPCM.